It's Just an IME Cover Letter - Who Cares?

In most cases, the cover letter is the first, last, and only time you will be able to explain the case to the IME doctor and to ask specific questions about the case.  As a result, the cover letter is an important document.  The question, however, is how important is the cover letter?  How much of a difference can a good cover letter make?  Can the cover letter determine the outcome of an opinion or even have any impact on the doctor’s opinion?

Like most things in the medico-legal world, the answer is not black or white.  Cover letters matter more for some doctors than others:  sometimes the cover letter can help shape how an IME doctor answers a question, sometimes the cover letter can precipitate a bad result, and sometimes the cover letter will make little difference in the IME doctor’s opinion.  Nevertheless, there are some basic rules that can ensure the reviewing physician squarely addresses the relevant issues and maximize the likelihood of receiving a favorable opinion. 

The most important feature of the IME cover letter is the specific questions section, often titled “specific interrogatives.”  As a matter of semantics, there is no functional difference between the words “questions” and “interrogatives” though “interrogatives” at least feels more formal.  The specific questions posed to an IME physician are often the only questions that an IME physician will answer directly so there is much utility in how the questions are drafted. 

How do you approach cover letter questions?  What is important to you in drafting a cover letter?


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