Tests and Procedures Help Assess Location and Level of Brain Damage

Throughout the recovery process TBI victims will undergo tests and procedures which will assist with diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment decisions.

Neurological monitoring/neuromonitoring:  Intracranial pressure monitors track the amount of pressure in the brain to help manage brain swelling. 

Neuroimaging studies:  Computed tomography (CT scans) or MRI is used to identify bleeding and injured parts of the brain, and to determine if surgery is necessary.

Electroencephalogram (EEG):  Measure electrical activity in the brain, show location/extent of injury and can be used to diagnose seizures.

Informal bedside neurological exam and formal behavior assessment scale:  Used to determine a person’s level of impaired consciousness.  Typically testing for basic reflexes, following a moving object with the eyes, performing basic commands and communication.

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