Skull Fractures

A skull fracture is defined as any break in the cranial bone.  There are many types of skull fractures, but they all result from one major cause and that is an impact or blow to the head that’s strong enough to break a bone.  The types include: 

  • Linear – a break resembling a thin line or crack

  • Depressed – a break in or crushing injury

  • Basilar – occurs at the base of the bran sometimes causing leakage of cerebral spinal fluid

Skull fractures are not always easily seen.  Following an impact or blow to the head some symptoms which may indicate fracture include:  swelling and/or tenderness around the area of impact, facial bruising, bleeding from the nostrils or ears. 

For mild fractures, pain medication may be the only necessary treatment, but neurosurgery may be required for more serious fractures.

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